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1. Ant Larvae – Introduction

Finding food in a survival situation can be a difficult task.   Plant choices are normally the first choice of most survivalists.   Unfortunately, flora can be problematic.  Many plants are poisonous and unless you are a master of identification, that can be a problem.   Additionally, plant life is low in calories.  Many times, you can actually expend more calories collecting edible vegetation than you can provide.

All insects (six legged – obviously) are edible.  Even further, some insect larvae are consider an excellent meal by many inhabitants of our planet.


Escamoles cooked in butter

In Central America, prepared ant larvae are called “Escamoles” and have been consumed in Mexico since the age of the Aztecs. They taste buttery and nutty, with a texture akin to that of cottage cheese.  They are most commonly consumed in Mexico City and surrounding areas.

You can use a tarpaulin to obtain this quick high-protein meal if you know how to use it to maximum advantage. This quick snack has a decent amount of calories. It has a lot of protein, and it actually tastes rather good.

So, let’s see how it is done.